import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet;
public class ThreadPool extends ThreadGroup {
private LinkedList<Runnable> workQueue = null; // 工作队列
private static int coreActiveSize = 1;//核心线程个数
private static int maxActiveSize = 5;//允许最大线程个数
private static ThreadPool threadPool;//单例
Set<Integer> threadIdSet = new TreeSet<Integer>();//有序线程队列
* private constructor * * @param poolSize */ private ThreadPool() { // poolSize // 表示线程池中的工作线程的数量 super("AllReportPool"); // 指定ThreadGroup的名称 if (coreActiveSize <= 0 || maxActiveSize <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Thread Pool active size should be much more than 0"); } if (coreActiveSize > maxActiveSize) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Thread Pool max active size should be much more than core active size"); } setDaemon(false); // 继承到的方法,设置是否守护线程池 workQueue = new LinkedList<Runnable>(); // 创建工作队列 // 创建并启动工作线程,核心线程池数量是多少就创建多少个工作线程实例 // 设置线程池中允许创建的线程的最大数量 for (int i = 1; i <= maxActiveSize; i++) { threadIdSet.add(i); } }/**
* this method used to create a single instance for this Class * * @return instance */ public static ThreadPool getSingleInstance() { if (null == threadPool) { threadPool = new ThreadPool(); } return threadPool; }/** 向工作队列中加入一个新任务,由工作线程去执行该任务 */
public synchronized void execute(Runnable task) { if (task != null) { workQueue.addLast(task);// 向队列中加入一个任务Iterator<Integer> iter = threadIdSet.iterator();
if (null != iter && iter.hasNext()) { Integer id =; if (this.activeCount() < maxActiveSize) { threadIdSet.remove(id); printLog("create new work thread " + id); new WorkThread(id).start(); } } notify(); // 唤醒一个正在getTask()方法中待任务的工作线程 } }/**
* this method used to print run time message when export all report * @param msg print message */ private void printLog(String msg) { //System.out.println(msg); }/**
* 内部类,工作线程,负责从工作队列中取出任务,并执行 * * @author sunnylocus */ private class WorkThread extends Thread { private int id;public WorkThread(int id) {
// 父类构造方法,将线程加入到当前ThreadPool线程组中 super(ThreadPool.this, "Work Thread " + id); = id; }/** 从工作队列中取出一个任务,工作线程会调用此方法,并执行该任务 */
public void run() { while (!isInterrupted()) { // isInterrupted()方法继承自Thread类,判断线程是否被中断 Runnable task = null; // 必须同步工作队列 synchronized (workQueue) { while (workQueue.size() == 0) { // destory this active thread printLog("no task in the queue, close work thread" + id); threadIdSet.add(id); return; }task = workQueue.removeFirst(); // 反回队列中第一个元素,并从队列中删除
} // 如果getTask()返回null或者线程执行getTask()时被中断,则结束此线程 if (task == null || isInterrupted()) { return; } try { printLog("work thread " + id + " begin task...");; // 运行任务 } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); }}// end while
}// end run }// end workThread }
ThreadPool threadPool = ThreadPool.getSingleInstance();
threadPool.execute(one tread instance);